Every year, the Italian language is celebrated via all of the sessions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Born in 2001 in partnership with the Crusca Academy, it is executed by the Italian Institutes of Culture and the Rete Diplomatico-Consolare with the support of the Swiss Government and the major language promotion partners.

The theme of the XXII edition of the “Anno Europeo dei Giovani” will be “L’italiano e I giovani,” and it will be on the schedule from October 17 to October 23. How come? Non ti followo,” with the aim of exploring the ways in which languages and communication tools are developing across generations of digital natives, with the goal of transmitting, in Italy and abroad, the image of a language and, with it, of a country that is strong in its own history but at the same time vibrant and creative in the present.

This year, Italy will serve as the honored host country for the Book Fair in Ankara during the Settimana della Lingua Italiana in the World. Discover the program we have prepared for you in advance!